Thursday, November 27, 2008

This was taken at Dora Nginza Hospital.

The head social worker, Pam Rubushe, invited me to come and have a chat with some of the teenage mothers that attended the session.

Teenage pregnancy is a very huge problem affecting our youth today, not just in PE but the whole of South Africa. I was not there to lecture them, I went in there to share my views and my opinions about teenage pregnancy, I was merely there to motivate and encourage them to strive for better lives.

I told them that they might be wondering what do I have to say about this topic , me not being a mother – how could I understand their situations? But I told them that I am also a young person and I was a teenager once.

I understand how we think as young women and I would think I sometimes know why we make the decisions we sometimes make.

I told them about the risks - they shared their stories, their inspirations and I was very touched. It was a very informative and I wished that there were more girls in that room that could share that day with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nono,
I am thrilled with the way that you use your position as Miss PE to be such a great role model for our community .. you rock!!